Runny noses and shaky butts

My whole life my mother had a fantastic sense of humor. She could find the “funny” in almost everything. It was not uncommon to see her eyes twinkling, mouth smiling and the sound of laughter in the air. Even now, with advanced Alzheimer’s she has maintained her sense of humor and joy. I thank God for that miracle.

As her caregiver I’ve had an opportunity to really see the spunky side of my Mom the last couple days. For starters, let’s talk about runny noses. She was folding and unfolding a Kleenex and finally set it aside. There was a little sliver of Kleenex that had fallen off the original one and she picked it up and tried to blow her nose with it….ending up almost stuffing the little piece in her not runny nose. I said, “oh no….use this one” pointing to the folded Kleenex and she started laughing….I started laughing and she proceeded to animatedly tell me in word salad speech why she couldn’t blow her nose in the Kleenex. The end result was we both couldn’t contain our laughter.

My mom used to randomly do these crazy hilarious acts that would leave you with tears streaming in laughter and today she did not disappoint. There is a small wooden and glass table between two recliners in their family room and I sat in one and asked Mom to sit down in hers. She tried to sit on the table and I laughed and said, no you can’t sit there, sit in your chair. To which her response was to look over her shoulder at me with a big smirk and twinkle in her eye before shaking her booty in my face and then promptly sitting on the table before getting up and moving to her recliner. Then every time we looked at each other for an hour we would laugh.

These moments are so priceless and precious. I love my mama’s sense of humor.